Environmental inspections
Radon Testing
Radon is an odorless, colorless, naturally-occurring radioactive gas that easily migrates through soil. Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in people who do not smoke.
The E.P.A. recommends radon testing for every home, including new homes, once every two years.
The E.P.A. recommendation is to remediate for radon at levels of 4.0 picocuries per liter (piC/L) or higher. Our part of the country has high radon levels:
- In Maryland, northern counties ranging from Garrett to Cecil are considered Zone 1, or having radon levels over 4.0 piC/L.
- In Southern Pennsylvania, counties from Bedford to Delaware are also in Zone 1.
- In West Virginia, zone 1 counties include Morgan, Berkeley and Jefferson.

Water Testing
Safe drinking water should be a paramount priority for any homeowner. In addition to health concerns, water quality can impact the taste, smell and color of your water and cause staining of clothes and corrosion of pipes and fixtures. If the property you are considering relies on well water, mortgage lenders usually require at least basic water testing (coliform bacteria, pH and chloride). The FHA requires additional testing for nitrates, nitrites, turbidity and lead. There are several other tests that can be done, depending upon your concerns and circumstances, such as for levels of copper, iron, aluminum, zinc, etc.
Even though municipal utilities test city water for safety, it is a good idea to have the water coming from your tap tested for lead, as it could leach into your water from pipes and fittings on its way to your home.
Termite Inspection
Maryland Department of Agriculture License #30150
In the United States, termites do more damage to homes annually than all reported fires, tornadoes, hurricanes and windstorms combined. That translates into billions of dollars of damage. The termites in our area are subterranean—they live underground but invade structures to feed on wood. Because they are largely hidden from view, their presence often goes undetected until serious structural damage has occurred. Most mortgage lenders require a termite inspection.
- We also inspect for powder post beetles, carpenter ants, carpenter bees and other wood destroying insects.
- Termite protection plan included
- 90 day termite warranty
Covers any new activity 90 days from the date of inspection

Mold/Indoor Air Quality
Different types of mold in your home and different levels of exposure can pose various hazards—from irritation to allergic reactions to infection and toxicosis. Toxic and pathogenic molds can cause serious health issues—such as immune suppression and cancer. An air-quality test can give you important answers you need.