Water Testing
Frederick MD

Safe drinking water should be a paramount priority for any homeowner. In addition to health concerns, water quality can impact the taste, smell and color of your water and cause staining of clothes and corrosion of pipes and fixtures.

If the property you are considering relies on well water, mortgage lenders usually require at least basic water testing (coliformbacteria, pH and chloride). The FHA requires additional testing for nitrates, nitrites, turbidity and lead. There are several other tests that can be done, depending upon your concerns and circumstances, such as for levels of copper, iron, aluminum, zinc, etc.

Even though municipal utilities test city water for safety, it is a good idea to have the water coming from your tap tested for lead, as it could leach into your water from pipes and fittings on its way to your home.

water testing in glass

Water packages

We offer several water packages to give you peace of mind.


We test the water for the presence of bacteria to determine whether it is safe for human consumption.



This package includes our bacteriological testing as well as an informative content profile, including: pH, Nitrate, Nitrite, Chloride, Sulfate, Fluoride, Turbidity, Hardness and Iron.


Further water testing available upon request, please contact our office directly for more details. (301) 685-3145

Items tested in our packages listed above:


Coliform bacteria are present in soils and E. coli in human and animal feces. The presence of these bacteria may indicate surface water intrusion contamination or contamination from a septic system. EPA considers them to be the indicator organisms for “safe” drinking water.

potential of hydrogen (pH)

(Recommended range 6.5-8.0) is a measure of how acid or alkaline the water is. Low numbers (around 5) indicate acid water and are usually associated with corrosion problems, pin hole plumbing leaks and can contribute to high lead and copper levels.


(MCL = 10 mg/L) and Nitrite (MCL = 1.0 mg/L) – Major sources of nitrates or nitrites in drinking water include fertilizer, sewage and feedlots. Infants who drink water containing nitrates in excess of the MCL may develop shortness of breath and blue baby syndrome.


(MCL = 10 mg/L) and Nitrite (MCL = 1.0 mg/L) – Major sources of nitrates or nitrites in drinking water include fertilizer, and feedlots. Infants who drink water containing nitrates in excess of the MCL may develop shortness of breath and blue baby syndrome.


During the past 20 years there has been a general rise in chloride levels in wells resulting from salt being used for road de-icing. High levels contribute to the corrosiveness of water on pipes and heating equipment. It’s usually accompanied by high sodium levels, which can be a health concern to some individuals.


(Guidance Level = 250 mg/L) is found in almost all natural waters. At high levels it may indicate septic or agricultural leaching into the water supply. Can be a precursor to hydrogen sulfide or “rotten egg” odor and taste in the drinking water.


(MCL = 4.0 mg/L) at an optimum level of 1 mg/L has been shown to be effective in reducing dental cavities. At levels over 2.4 mg/L it may cause mottling of teeth and bone disease.


Refers to the degree of cloudiness in water due to suspended particles. If turbidity increases after a rain, it can indicate that surface water intrusion is occurring in the well. High turbidity levels are often associated with disease-causing microorganisms such as viruses, parasites and some bacteria.


- is a measure of how much calcium and magnesium carbonate is dissolved in the water. Hard water is generally good tasting and good for you; however it can produce scaling on plumbing fixtures and give poor sudsing characteristics. FTL measures hardness in mg/L. Low = 0-75mg/L; moderate = 76-150mg/L; hard = 151-250mg/L; very hard 251 or more mg/L. 1mg/L is equal to 0.058 grains/gallon.


(Guidance level = 0.3 mg/L) – When iron comes in contact with oxygen, it changes to a reddish compound that can discolor bathroom fixtures and laundry. It can also impart a metallic taste to the water.


(Guidance Level = 0.2 mg/L)Aluminum occurs naturally in water and is also used in water treatment processes to flocculate suspended particles. No standard has been set, but at high levels it has been suggested that it may cause skeletal and neurological problems.


(MCL = 0.05 mg/L) Manganese is similar to iron, but it produces a brown/black discoloration rather than the rust red of iron. A high level produces a very unpleasant odor and taste in water and may produce black deposits. Chlorine bleach should not be used in laundry washed in high iron or manganese water because it causes stains to set in clothing.


(MCL = 0.015 mg/L) enters drinking water primarily as a result of the corrosion of materials containing lead that are in the water distribution system and household plumbing such as lead-based solder, brass, and chrome plated brass faucets. In some cases, it could come from pipes made of lead that connect your house water to service lines. High levels may cause delays in physical and mental development in children. In adults it may contribute to kidney problems and high blood pressure.


(MCL = 1.0 mg/L) Water can be a significant source of copper intake depending upon the geographical location, the character of the water, the temperature of the water and the presence of copper pipes. Copper has toxic effects at high dose levels and may cause kidney or liver damage; but it is an essential element at lower levels.


Zinc most commonly enters the domestic water supply from deterioration of galvanized iron and dezincification of brass. In such cases lead and cadmium also may be present because they are impurities of the zinc used in galvanizing. Zinc in water also may result from industrial waste pollution.


Calcium is the major source of “hardness” in water where it can be a nuisance. It builds up on the interior of pipes, water heater coils, boilers and plumbing fixtures, but it also makes the water taste good and is good for you. At low levels, it is helpful in water supplies as it tends to form a coating on pipes and helps prevent corrosion.


Along with calcium, a contributor to the hardness of water. See comments on calcium. Both calcium and magnesium enter the water when it is in contact with limestone. Water softeners remove “hardness” by replacing the calcium and magnesium with sodium.


(MCL = 0.05 mg/L) Arsenic in water can result from both natural processes and industrial activities, including smelting operations, use of arsenical pesticides and industrial waste disposal. Exposure above the MCL may cause skin damage, cancer, or problems with the circulatory system.


A guidance level of 20 mg/L in drinking water is suggested by the EPA for the high risk population of hypertensives and heart patients. Food accounts for approximately 90% of the daily intake of sodium, whereas water contributes up to the remaining 10%.


Selenium (MCL = 0.05 mg/L) occurs naturally in some rocks and soils but can also indicate contamination from mines and refineries. Selenium is an essential nutrient at low levels but at high dose levels it is toxic.


Potassium is an essential element in both plant and human nutrition, and occurs in groundwater as a result of mineral dissolution, from decomposing plant material, and from agricultural runoff.


Mercury (MCL = 0.002 mg/L) Almost all mercury detected to date in drinking water is in the form of inorganic mercury. Inorganic mercury is poorly absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, does not penetrate cell membranes rapidly and is less toxic than methyl mercury. However, inorganic mercury may cause liver damage.


THM compounds have been found in most chlorinated water supplies in the US; typically they are produced in the treatment process as a result of chlorination. Toxicological studies suggest that chloroform is a potential human carcinogen. Exposure above MCL may cause liver, kidney or central nervous system problems.


Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) include 62 different organic compounds. None of them occur naturally in water. They can indicate gasoline contamination if benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylenes or methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) are observed, or they can detect other organic compounds and solvents such as methylene chloride, tricholroethylene (TCE), tetracholorethylene (PERC/PCE) or carbon tetrachloride.


Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) include 62 different organic compounds. None of them occur naturally in water. They can indicate gasoline contamination if benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylenes or methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) are observed, or they can detect other organic compounds and solvents such as methylene chloride, tricholroethylene (TCE), tetracholorethylene (PERC/PCE) or carbon tetrachloride.


The United States has one of the safest water supplies in the world. However, national statistics don’t tell you specifically about the quality and safety of the water coming out of your tap. That’s because drinking water quality varies from place to place, depending on the condition of the source water from which it is drawn, and the treatment it receives. Now you have a new way to find information about your drinking water if it comes from a public water supplier (The EPA doesn’t regulate private wells, but recommends that well.  owners have their water tested annually.) Starting in 1999, every community water supplier must provide an annual report (sometimes called a “consumer confidence report”) to its customers. The report provides information on your local drinking water quality, including the water’s source, the contaminants found in the water, and how consumers can get involved in protecting drinking water. You may want more information, or you may have more questions. One place you can go is to your water supplier, who is best equipped to answer questions about your specific water supply. 

There is no such thing as naturally pure water. In nature, all water contains some impurities. As water flows in streams, sits in lakes, and filters through layers of soil and rock in the ground, it dissolves or absorbs the substances that it touches. Some of these substances are harmless. In fact, some people prefer mineral water precisely because minerals give it an appealing taste. However, at certain levels, minerals, just like man-made chemicals, are considered contaminants that can make water unpalatable or even unsafe. Some contaminants come from the erosion of natural rock formations. Other contaminants are substances discharged from factories, applied to farmlands, or used by consumers in their homes and yards. Sources of contaminants might be in your neighborhood or might be many miles away. Your local water quality report tells which contaminants are in your drinking water, the levels at which they were found, and the actual or likely source of each contaminant. Some ground water systems have established wellhead protection programs to prevent substances from contaminating their wells. Similarly, some surface-water systems protect the watershed around their reservoir to prevent contamination. Right now, states and water suppliers are working systematically to assess every source of drinking water, and to identify potential sources of contaminants. This process will help communities to protect their drinking water supplies from contamination. 

A clean, constant supply of drinking water is essential to every community. People in large cities frequently drink water that comes from surface-water sources, such as lakes, rivers and reservoirs. Sometimes, these sources are close to the community. Other times, drinking water suppliers get their water from sources many miles away. In either case, when you think about where your drinking water comes from, it’s important to consider not just the part of the river or lake that you can see, but the entire watershed. The watershed is the land area over which water flows into the river, lake or reservoir. In rural areas, people are more likely to drink ground water that was pumped from a well. These wells tap into aquifers, the natural reservoirs under the earth’s surface, that may be only a few miles wide, or may span the borders of many states. As with surface water, it is important to remember that activities many miles away from you may affect the quality of ground water. Your annual drinking water quality report will tell you where your water supplier gets your water.

When a water supplier takes untreated water from a river or reservoir, the water often contains dirt and tiny pieces of leaves and other organic matter, as well as trace amounts of certain contaminants. When it gets to the treatment plant, water suppliers often add chemicals, called coagulants, to the water. These act on the water as it flows very slowly through tanks so that the dirt and other contaminants form clumps that settle to the bottom. Usually, this water then flows through a filter for removal of the smallest contaminants, such as viruses and Giardia. Most ground water is naturally filtered as it passes through layers of the earth into underground reservoirs known as aquifers. Water that suppliers pump from wells generally contains less organic material than surface water, and may not need to go through any or all of these treatments. The quality of the water will depend on local conditions. The most common drinking water treatment, considered by many to be one of the most important scientific advances of the 20th century, is disinfection. Most water suppliers add chlorine or another disinfectant to kill bacteria and other germs. Water suppliers use other treatments as needed, according to the quality of their source water. For example, systems whose water is contaminated with organic chemicals can treat their water with activated carbon, which adsorbs or attracts the chemicals dissolved in the water.

Using the new information that is now available about drinking water, citizens can be aware of the challenges of keeping drinking water safe and take an active role in protecting drinking water. There are lots of ways that individuals can get involved. Some people will help clean up the watershed that is the source of their community’s water. Other people might get involved in wellhead protection activities to prevent the contamination of the ground water source that provides water to their community. These people will be able to make use of the information that states and water systems are gathering as they assess their sources of water.  Concerned citizens may want to attend public meetings to ensure that their community’s need for safe drinking water is considered in making decisions about land use. You may wish to participate when your state and water system make funding decisions. And all consumers can do their part to conserve water and to dispose properly of household chemicals.

People who have HIV/AIDS, are undergoing chemotherapy, take steroids, or for another reason have a weakened immune system may be more susceptible to microbial contaminants, including Cryptosporidium, in drinking water. If you or someone you know fall into one of these categories, talk to your healthcare provider to find out if you need to take special precautions, such as boiling your water. Young children are particularly susceptible to the effects of high levels of certain contaminants, including nitrate and lead. To avoid exposure to lead, use water from the cold tap for making baby formula, drinking and cooking, and let the water run for a minute or more if the water hasn’t been turned on for six or more hours. If your water supplier alerts you that your water does not meet the EPA’s standard for nitrates, and you have children under 6 months old, consult your healthcare provider. You may want to find an alternate source of water that contains lower levels of nitrates for your child.

The EPA has set standards for more than 80 contaminants that may be present in drinking water and pose a risk to human health. The EPA sets these standards to protect the health of everybody, including vulnerable groups like children. The contaminants fall into two groups, according to the health effects that they cause. Your local water supplier will alert you through the local media, direct mail, or other means if there is a potential acute or chronic health effect from compounds in the drinking water. You may want to contact them for additional information specific to your area. Acute effects occur within hours or days of the time that a person consumes a contaminant. People can suffer acute health effects from almost any contaminant if they are exposed to extraordinarily high levels (as in the case of a spill). In drinking water,microbes, such as bacteria and viruses, are the contaminants with the greatest chance of reaching levels high enough to cause acute health effects. Most people’s bodies can fight off these microbial contaminants the way they fight off germs, and these acute contaminants typically don’t have permanent effects. Nonetheless, when high-enough levels occur, they can make people ill, and can be dangerous or deadly for a person whose immune system is already weak due to HIV/AIDS, chemotherapy, steroid use, or another reason. Chronic effects occur after people consume a contaminant at levels over the EPA’s safety standards for many years. The drinking water contaminants that can have chronic effects are chemicals (such as disinfection byproducts, solvents, and pesticides), radionuclides (such as radium), and minerals (such as arsenic). Examples of these chronic effects include cancer, liver and kidney problems, and reproductive difficulties.

The Safe Drinking Water Act gives the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the responsibility for setting national drinking water standards that protect the health of the 250 million people who get their water from public water systems. Other people get their water from private wells which are not subject to federal regulations. Since 1974, the EPA has set national standards for over 80 contaminants that may occur in drinking water. While the EPA and state governments set and enforce standards, local governments and private water suppliers have direct responsibility for the quality of the water that flows to your tap. Water systems test and treat their water, maintain the distribution systems that deliver water to consumers, and report on their water quality to the state. States and the EPA provide technical assistance to water suppliers and can take legal action against systems that fail to provide water that meets state and EPA standards.

Drinking water suppliers are required to monitor and test their water many times, for many things, before sending it to consumers. These tests determine whether and how the water needs to be treated, as well as the effectiveness of the treatment process. If a water system consistently sends to consumers water that contains a contaminant at a level higher than EPA or state health standards regulate, or if the system fails to monitor for a contaminant, the system is violating regulations, and is subject to fines and other penalties. When a water system violates a drinking water regulation, it must notify the people who drink its water about the violation, what it means, and how they should respond. In cases where the water presents an immediate health threat, such as when people need to boil water before drinking it, the system must use television, radio and newspapers to get the word out as quickly as possible. Other notices may be sent by mail, or delivered with the water bill. Each water suppliers’ annual water quality report must include a summary of all the violations that occurred during the previous year.

About Frederick, MD

Historically significant Frederick, Maryland is the state’s fifth-largest incorporated city. With a population of around 75,500, Frederick holds a pivotal role as a major urban center in the central region of the state. Frederick’s unique topography is defined by rolling hills and the winding Monocacy River, which flows through the city’s center. The city’s architecture showcases a blend of historic and modern styles, with many buildings constructed using the local Frederick limestone, contributing to its distinct visual character. Despite its semi-rural setting, Frederick is a vital center for commerce, education, and healthcare, with a robust transportation network facilitated by Interstates 70 and 270, major railroads, and the Frederick Municipal Airport. Recognized as the “City of Clustered Spires” for its iconic church steeples, Frederick has grown dynamically, becoming a hub for a diverse range of industries, including biotechnology, advanced manufacturing, and tourism.


Maugansville | Hagerstown | Cascade | Sabillasville | Big Pool | Clear Spring | Smithsburg | Myersville | Thurmont | Funkstown | Williamsport | Saint James | Fairplay | Boonsboro | Frederick | Walkersville | Woodsboro | Libertytown | New Market | Monrovia | Mount Airy | Keedysville | Sharpsburg | Rohrersville | Burkittsville | Middletown | Braddock Heights | Knoxville | Jefferson | Buckeystown | Adamstown | Ijamsville | Damascus | Brunswick | Dickerson | Clarksburg | Rocky Ridge | Keymar | Union Bridge | New Windsor | Sykesville | Cooksville | Marriottsville | Woodstock | Woodbine | Barnesville | Beallsville | Boyds | Germantown | Montgomery Village | Gaithersburg | Glenwood | West Friendship | Ellicott City | Glenelg | Dayton | Brookeville | Brinklow | Washington Grove | Derwood | Olney | Sandy Spring | Ashton | Potomac | Rockville | Cabin John | Garrett Park | Kensington | Taneytown | Emmitsburg | Tuscarora | Point Of Rocks | Poolesville | Silver Spring | Westminster | Finksburg | Randallstown | Windsor Mill | Bethesda | Hancock |

Chambersburg | Mont Alto | Greencastle | Shady Grove | Zullinger | Quincy | Waynesboro | Blue Ridge Summit | State Line | Rouzerville | Orrtanna | Mc Knightstown | Gettysburg | Littlestown | New Oxford | Fairfield | Mc Sherrystown | Pleasant Hall | Orrstown | Shippensburg | Walnut Bottom | Scotland | Fayetteville | South Mountain | Saint Thomas | Williamson | Marion | Fort Loudon | Big Cove Tannery | Mercersburg | Warfordsburg | 

Purcellville | Lovettsville | Waterford | Leesburg | Paeonian Springs | Great Falls | Clear Brook | Stephenson | Winchester | 

Falling Waters | Shepherdstown | Inwood | Martinsburg |  Kearneysville | Shenandoah Junction | Harpers Ferry | Bunker Hill | Ranson | Millville | Charles Town | Summit Point | Alloy | Hedgesville | Gerrardstown |

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Luis Moran
07:10 13 Feb 25
Outstanding service, very detail oriented. Very glad to have used Fox Mountain Property Inspections for my inspection. I would absolutely recommend them!
Sian Pugh
04:25 11 Feb 25
As a Realtor Fox Mountain is always my trusted resource in WW for inspections. 100% excellent.
Chisholm Tracy
20:55 04 Feb 25
I was very impressed by the professionalism and thoroughness of the Fox Mountain inspection for my new home. They systematically walked through a complete checklist of items, recording data and photographs on tablets and even using a thermal camera to evaluate HVAC performance. I was very comfortable at the end of the inspection that the house was in good shape and I wouldn't hesitate to strongly recommend Fox Mountain to other homebuyers. Thanks!
Mary P
00:16 01 Feb 25
Excellent, prompt, knowledgeable inspectors. Prompt and efficient. They made it look easy!
Michael Campbell
12:53 23 Jan 25
Richard was professional, knowledgeable and explained clearly what he was doing and what issues were in the house inspected. I highly recommend using his services, excellent service.
Darby Damuth
21:40 16 Jan 25
Highly recommend! Seth did a thorough job and was great!
Will Hensen
02:34 16 Jan 25
Colby was polite, thorough, and informative. I feel like I know the house I plan on purchasing on a whole new level.
Frederick Commercial
22:49 15 Jan 25
I use Richard and his team whenever I need a property inspection, be it commercial or residential. Reliable, professional and efficient.
Matthew Baney
20:19 07 Jan 25
Very professional and informative inspectors, and very thorough report provided same day of inspection.
Mike Hubert
21:31 06 Jan 25
Seth and Austin were very thorough and answered all of my questions.
Constantino Heon
17:25 02 Dec 24
Very professional and knowledgeable.
Eric Voit
21:01 29 Nov 24
Richard was absolutely great. My new house had construction spreading from 1800 through 1990. And Richard new the ins-and-outs of all of it. Incredibly thorough and easy to talk to, Richard explained each issue and what to do out them. I would absolutely use Richard and Fox mountain again.
Scot Barlow
18:08 26 Nov 24
Suzanne Frund
16:41 22 Nov 24
Lori from Fox Mt. Property Inspections was fantastic. She got the well test and results back quickly for a last minute well test before closing!She is always professional and courteous. Job well done Lori!
Joe Cline
22:47 21 Nov 24
Very thorough, honest and professional!
Joel Youn
00:48 17 Nov 24
Lindsey Straiton
22:51 11 Nov 24
Richard was very thorough and explained everything to us. I appreciate how much he talked to us about what he was seeing while doing the inspection. I would absolutely recommend this company!
Brianna Graves
17:43 10 Nov 24
Seth was amazing! As a first-time home buyer, I had many questions! He was able to provide hands on demonstrations and answered all my questions (even about heat anomalies). Thank you for taking your time to reassure me during this huge life-event and even a detailed report with pictures showed how dedicated Seth was!! 5 out of 5 stars- would recommend!!
Jonathon Gordon
16:41 09 Nov 24
Keith was excellent - provided a wonderful, detailed inspection. Took time to answer any and all questions, with an informative but easy to understand approach. Excellent communication from the company and turn-around time on the inspection report. I'd fully recommend the company and use them again.
Beth Morrison
14:02 04 Nov 24
Seth was wonderful to work with! We had a difficult property for him to look at and he did a very efficient and thorough job. Answering all of our questions and taking time to show me specific areas and details that I had concerns about. Will be contacting again when I need another home inspection!
Gretchen Seremetis
00:18 20 Oct 24
Fox Mountain provided a professional, thorough, and on-time inspection. I learned a lot from the inspection team. It was sincerely a pleasure to do business with them!
Giovanny Hernandez
18:33 17 Oct 24
Richard and Seth are extremely knowledgeable, resourceful and thorough! I learned a lot from today’s inspection walkthrough and I’d highly recommend them!
James B
18:14 17 Oct 24
Keith was punctual and full of knowledge. He came to my address and conducted a 1-Year home warranty inspection. He was very knowledgeable and informed us of all findings - bonus points for being a dog lover! Lastly, he even got in the hard to reach spots to document any concerns I had!
Kevin Castle
21:39 16 Oct 24
Shannon Picking
21:51 11 Oct 24
JP McGuire
09:56 10 Oct 24
Seth was great! Professional, thorough, patient with our questions and very informative. 2nd time inspection with Seth and we are confident with our home purchase . We will definitely recommend Fox Mountain Property Inspections and Seth to our friends and families, and new neighbors:)
Bianca Wenck
22:03 02 Oct 24
Very thorough! We appreciate their transparency.
William Kates
00:32 02 Oct 24
Richard was super friendly and professionally thorough. He did an excellent job answering our questions and providing explanations.
Regina Hall
03:50 27 Sep 24
Morgan Harrison
13:24 23 Sep 24
Andrew Czako
01:42 21 Sep 24
Keith was very thorough and knowledgeable. He arrived early and gave me great insight to the new build framing/pre-drywall inspection. I even received the report the same day!! I definitely recommend Fox Mountain for all your inspection needs.
Luke Brooks
06:43 20 Sep 24
Seth really went above and beyond on our families home inspection taking the time to check every little detail about our to be home. Everything was documented in a very clean, professional inspection report including pictures. It will be very handy to reference in the future. Thank you Fox Mountain for making us feel more confident going into our purchase.
Amanda Weber
15:47 13 Sep 24
I had a great experience with Rich. He was thorough and explained everything to me in a way I could understand it and caught a problem before it became a problem. Would highly recommend Fox Mountain Property Inspections!.
JC Mann
13:29 13 Sep 24
The next time I need a house inspected, I'm gonna request Seth. He is professional, personable, and down-to-earth.
Casey Kaaukai-Cole
23:14 09 Sep 24
Seth was great with being thorough with his inspection and keeping us updated as he was performing the inspection. He was clear with breaking down everything that he had looked at.
Mary Claire Nemeth
20:25 06 Sep 24
Keith was very professional and personable! Highly recommend!
Deirdre Conway
18:09 05 Sep 24
Linda Byrd
00:03 01 Sep 24
World 7642
10:07 31 Aug 24
Richard id fantastic and has been extremely helpful throughout my home buying process.I would strongly recommend fox mountain to anyone in a similar situation because of their high level of knowledge and professionalism.
Kristin Renee
18:24 28 Aug 24
Very happy with our inspection. Seth did a great job and very thorough.
Devon Warren
22:49 27 Aug 24
Richard was helpful, friendly, and thorough. He answered all questions and gave good advice. Highly recommend!
Christopher Mondo
15:22 17 Aug 24
I really enjoyed working with Richard and Erin at the inspection of my historic property. They were thorough and informative - I learned a lot about my new home.
Gabriela Burns
22:32 13 Aug 24
patricia Morris
21:18 06 Aug 24
Everyone we talked or worked with was pleasant, professional, and thorough. Reasonably priced and returned the results on time. We'd definitely recommend them to anyone who needs a home inspection.
Amy Stevens
18:11 03 Aug 24
Jeannie Pellicier
05:39 01 Aug 24
Keith was on time and very professional. His report was very thorough and caught several details the builder hadn’t noticed. Scheduling and payment were very easy!
Mervyn Bond
01:59 01 Aug 24
Colby at Fox Mt property inspection was great. He was personable and very thorough with the inspection; making sure to take his time. He answered every question I had and explained the inspection report in detail, once it was complete. I would highly recommend him.
David Tyler
21:20 28 Jul 24
The inspector was honest. He explained in detail what steps would be taken, what to expect in the process, and made recommendations.
Kameron Turner
00:28 28 Jul 24
Roy did and excellent and thorough job. Went above and beyond my expectations and was very personable. Well done!
Heidi Marshall
01:10 25 Jul 24
Seth performed our home inspection and did a complete thorough job! He was very kind and professional! Highly recommended!
Thomas Evans
12:58 19 Jul 24
Seth was great, very thorough and talked to us about what he was doing. He gave great advice for things to watch for. Definitely would recommend.
Roy Delgado—the inspector assigned to my future home—was very considerate in explaining the important points of his inspection. In great detail he described what the house needs to change and the positive findings of the house. His report helped me determine if I wanted to continue the purchase process. It especially helped that he considered speaking in Spanish when I didn't understand the English terms of inspection very well.
Yesenia Padurean
01:33 12 Jul 24
Roy was awesome! He didn’t miss a single thing and was sure to explain every detail along with provide recommendations.
John Helfer
21:46 10 Jul 24
Keith performed my first inspection. He was courteous, professional and patient with my questions. And best of all, he uncovered a serious issue, saving me a major headache and potentially 10's of thousands in repairs. Keith was a wealth of knowledge and took his time to do a thorough inspection. I can't say enough great things about him.My second inspection went better and was performed by the owner, Richard and he was every bit as thorough, professional and patient.Thank you Keith and Richard. I'll be using your company going forward and recommending you to friends and family.
Erin Hoffman
19:13 09 Jul 24
Richard was professional, personable, and great to work with! As first time home buyers, he was thorough in his inspection and made sure WE understood everything that was going on! Thanks so much, Richard!
Claudia Davis
17:17 05 Jul 24
Very professional and pleasant experience. Super recommended!!
Fausto Padilla
00:49 04 Jul 24
Ron Peppe
17:49 21 Jun 24
Good experience with Fox Mountain Property Inspections. They were able to schedule quickly to accommodate our contract needs. The inspectors were there on time and performed a thorough inspection, explained everything they were doing, and answered all of our questions.
Jordan G
21:45 18 Jun 24
I just had my first home inspection ever with Keith at Fox Mountain Property Inspections. The overall inspection took about 3 hours and it was obvious that he was carefully evaluating every part of the home. I absolutely appreciated his thoroughness and ability to explain the more complicated parts of the inspection. As a first time homebuyer without any inspection experience, Keith (and his report which was done within an hour of leaving the property) made it easy to understand what parts of the house need our attention. Thank you Keith and Fox Mountain Property Inspections!
Kristin Van Loan
23:02 14 Jun 24
Both Rich and Seth are amazing and beyond attentive to detail! They are certainly your go to men for knowing you are walking into a safe home and knowing up front what you're walking into. 10/10 recommend Fox Mountain for all your home inspections!
Russell Beeman
18:43 13 Jun 24
Keith was extremely professional, thorough, friendly, and informative.
Ella Page
14:44 09 Jun 24
21:38 06 Jun 24
Answered all our questions in detail. Very friendly, Highly recommend.
Francis -
11:15 06 Jun 24
Fox Mountain was fast, thorough, included pictures and explanations of every issue, and gave a very helpful summary at the end. Any safety issues were flagged.
22:43 04 Jun 24
Keith was my inspector he did a fantastic job. I am a first time homebuyer and he was very informative on potential problems, as well as letting me know positives about the house. Took extra steps on keeping me informed. Great experience thanks to Keith.
Paul Moorhouse
21:57 04 Jun 24
Richard and Seth were a pleasure to work with during our home inspection. They were very professional, answered all our questions thoroughly without judgement, and did a fantastic job. If I ever buy a house again I will definitely hire Fox Mountain!
Eric S
20:41 02 Jun 24
(from a home buyer’s perspective) Very professional service. Couldn’t be happier with the team. I would recommend Fox to my family, friends, and neighbors.
Nick Reynolds
17:42 01 Jun 24
They were excellent to work with for both home inspections we had done. Two different inspectors who took the time to not only do a thorough inspection, they made sure we undstood their findings. Highly recommend their service!
Brian Lord
21:20 30 May 24
These guys are great. Richard and Seth were punctual, friendly, knowledgeable and thorough. I was absolutely thrilled with their services.
stacy tiffany
01:33 30 May 24
Being a first time home buyer has been a daunting process, but my home & pest inspection by Roy made me so much more confident in my decision! Very thorough, while walking me through everything in detail. Great experience!
Julie Schreiber
17:06 16 May 24
Wilbur Dudley
14:47 11 May 24
Inspector was extremely thorough and knowledgeable. Shared all information without any apparent bias. Quite friendly and very communicative. Follow up report is easily read and well documented.
Daring S
00:09 10 May 24
The inspectors were thorough and explained everything well.
Cynthia Doss
15:41 09 May 24
Timothy Thomas
13:59 07 May 24
Keith was our inspector, and he did a great job identifying any issues with the property. His report was in great detail and explained everything so we could understand exactly what needed to be done on repairs. His recommendations will be used to gather cost estimates, so we can get the house back up to standards. Thanks for all your expertise.
00:39 27 Apr 24
Keith was friendly and thorough. Recommended!!!
Joya Subudhi
15:51 26 Apr 24
Ray Whitt Whitt
12:52 25 Apr 24
Edwin Stanfield
18:16 24 Apr 24
Wil Whigham
15:22 21 Apr 24
Very friendly and experienced staff!
Cathy Irwin
01:06 20 Apr 24
The inspection was so smooth, and our inspector was informative and so very professional and nice, he really did a thorough job.
Linda Matthews
14:55 18 Apr 24
Very thorough and efficient!!
Bob Downey
20:30 15 Apr 24
Very knowledgeable, courteous, and thorough. I would use them again and recommend them to others.
Rhonda Frazier
18:44 15 Apr 24
Buying a house can be stressful. Knowing what to look for and how was taken care of in a professional manner with Keith from Fox Mountain Property Inspections. Communication and patience in explaining the why behind each item was greatly appreciated. Keith was on time and answered my questions and ask for more. I highly recommend.
william hardison
14:37 14 Apr 24
21:51 09 Apr 24
Carie Ortiz
17:58 06 Apr 24
Do yourself a favor and use this company for your home inspection! The guy that did ours was friendly, professional, knowledgeable, and very thorough. He took the time to explain everything to us and at the end ran down all of his findings and answered our questions. I highly recommend them!
Trevor Plumley
13:55 01 Apr 24
Richard and Seth were fantastic for our home inspection. They took the time to explain the home issues they were seeing and very patiently answered all of our questions. They enabled us to make a very informed decision about the home and we learned a lot along the way. We would highly recommend Fox Mountain to any agent or prospective buyer!
Bethany Daugherty
23:34 29 Mar 24
Keith and Seth were fantastic during the inspection of our 100+ year old house. They were warm and friendly while being informative and thorough. We weren’t able to stay the entire time and Keith followed up with me afterwards to give a status update on the rest of the inspection. The report produced was complete and the pictures were great, and even the process to schedule and pay was seamless. I’ve had several home inspections done and Fox Mountain were some of the best!
Marla Johnson
19:34 28 Mar 24
This company was extremely professional and informative.
Timothy Sullivan
19:07 23 Mar 24
Fox Mountain did an incredible job inspecting the home I am purchasing. They used pole cameras to inspect the roof and documented any deficiencies with photos. Spend the time and money and get Fox Mountain to inspect your property
Brittany Harmon
18:29 21 Mar 24
Customer service is terrible! I’ve been reaching out every day for a week now due to some issues regarding home inspection and NO ONE responds. I’m beyond frustrated. The home inspector was super friendly and we felt confident using them.. now I’m not so sure.
Debra Sepulveda
18:43 20 Mar 24
We had a fantastic experience with Richard and Seth as home inspectors. They were thorough, knowledgeable, and professional. It was an educational experience for us as Richard patiently taught and walked us through all systems and details of the home we are purchasing. Highest recommendation.
Umed Zokirov
01:42 17 Mar 24
Richard and Seth did a fantastic job on an inspection of the property that we were interested in. They were thorough, professional, and incredibly knowledgeable. Highly recommend their services to anyone in need of a top-notch inspection.
00:48 13 Mar 24
Roy was super friendly and knowledgeable. He explained everything perfectly, and even answered any questions we had. The price is also a bonus! The whole process was very easy.
Felix I
01:59 12 Mar 24
A great unexpected gem of professionals to work with. Thorough, knowledgeable, patient answering questions wise advice, and problem solvers. Thank you for providing expert advice on making our decision on a property.
Stephanie Renee
22:53 11 Mar 24
Extremely knowledgeable and helpful! So grateful for the work they did for me. Highly recommend!
Nan Rachlin
23:37 05 Mar 24
The inspector was very thorough, and answered all of my questions with patience and skill. I felt a part of the inspection of my new home, and every penny was worth the knowledge going into the settlement process.
Ali alqrna
07:48 23 Feb 24
Excellent work with fox mountain
Joan Searcy
00:44 22 Feb 24
Keith performed our home inspection. We were impressed by his knowledge and thoroughness. He prioritized issues and gave detailed explanations for his findings. He was more than happy to answer questions and provided a report that included photos. The process made us comfortable with our decision to move forward with our home purchase. I highly recommend Fox Mountain Property Inspections.
Gordon Tyler III
01:56 18 Feb 24
Roy was excellent and pleasant to deal with
Elise Woodall
18:23 14 Feb 24
Keith helped us through two inspections. He helped us feel prepared and well informed for our home purchase decisions. He welcomed questions and did a great job creating a dialogue so I felt like we got a good understanding of all his observations. Highly recommend. I would share his card with my family members.
Emily Hileman
19:48 02 Feb 24
Had a great experience and am glad I used this company for my first home inspection. Keith Corley did a great job explaining things and was very thorough with the inspection.
Whimsy Wiggles
22:30 21 Jan 24
Fox Mountain Property Inspections is extremely easy to work with. We needed a quick turnaround and even with inclement weather they were able to accommodate. They are professional, thorough, and explained all their findings in detail. We would highly recommend them.
Matthew Schmutz
16:51 03 Dec 23
Worth every Penny! As a first-time home buyer never having gone through this process before I was pretty nervous. Fox Mountain Property Inspections took care of everything, walked me through the process and made me feel at ease.Our Inspector Keith was amazing, and I truly can't say enough good things about him. Very Knowledgeable, thorough and just a nice person! From getting on top of the roof to check for damages all the way down to testing for moisture in the basement. This is the person you want inspecting your future home!Unfortunately, the house didn't work out, but rest assure I will be calling Fox Mountain back when I am in need of another home inspection.
Kristin Michele Davis
19:49 08 Oct 23
I had the great pleasure of working with Keith for my July home inspection and I couldn’t be more pleased with his exceptional service. From start to finish, he demonstrated a high level of professionalism and expertise.He arrived punctually and thoroughly examined every aspect of the property. His attention to detail was truly impressive, and he took great care and time to answer my (many) questions about the house. He was super thorough in explaining all of his findings. It was evident that he had a deep knowledge of home construction and maintenance.What sets Keith apart is not only his technical competence but also his dedication to ensuring I understood the condition of the property. He provided valuable insights and recommendations, which gave me confidence in my home purchase decision. I can’t thank him enough for his outstanding work and would undoubtedly seek his services again in the future.
Dawn Ray
20:32 25 Sep 23
Fox Mountain Property Inspection was very thourough, professional, and was very timely.
David ray
17:27 25 Sep 23
Richard Did a great Job very well pleased
Kimmie W
18:01 18 Sep 23
Keith and his co-worker were great. Very informative and explained things clearly. Very thorough with everything. We recommend your services to anyone.Thank you,Mark & Kim
Mary Ossi
15:40 16 Sep 23
100 stars! Richard was on time, thorough, empathic and detailed. We got the information we needed in a timely manner with recommendations. I can't say enough good things and will continue to recommend Fox Mountain to everyone!
Gabriel Romano
21:57 12 Sep 23
Efficient and reliable service!
Lori Maloney
01:27 12 Aug 23
The operations manager and owner made personal efforts to ensure we could have the inspection in time to make an informed offer. Richard was knowledgeable and pleasant. It’s nice to see someone who is not only great at their job, but seems to truly enjoy it. Dan (operations) said we’d like him, and he was right!I want to add that this is our second time using the professionals at Fox for an inspection in this challenging home buying market. Both times we left feeling confident we got the information we needed (and more) in order to make an informed decision. They are great- call them!
Sonnie & Joe
22:24 10 Aug 23
Keith was awesome. Super helpful and professional. He answered all of my questions and helped me to really understand what was going on with the house. He encouraged me to be educated in the home we were in the process of purchasing, even pointing out areas we'd need to know about for later (water shut offs, etc.). I can't day enough about his friendly and professional demeanor. Thank you, Keith! You rock!
Liz Andrews
23:37 07 Aug 23
We bought our first home and called Fox Mountain Property Inspections to inspect the house. They fit us into their schedule within 4 days of calling and were early to the appointment. Incredibly knowledgeable and very thorough inspection. Richard even took the time to explain the inner workings of all the mechanical so we knew what to expect. It was a fantastic experience and you should absolutely call them for all your home inspection needs.


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